Platform Updates

Netwxrk Features New Updates

Ability to block & comment in live feed.

Verified Badges added that you can submit to have through the support line.

New Messages UI instead.

Crypto Wallet login supported, Create an account using a Crypto wallet or using an email.

(please note you can only have one or the other but we do support both!

Flag accounts you don’t like to let the netwxrk development team know what’s going on! 

delete media from your account section that you upload if wanted, along with ability to request data from your account.

Dark mode switched enabled for users with an account! 

New Dashboard 

User Job dashboard - fully suited to view the jobs you have listed to edit, change, or delete.

Job Listings - page where you can find all jobs available within our netwxrk! Anyone can post a job so make sure they’re verified with a checkmark or we are not responsible for the listing posted. 

Jobs - page added where you can create listing to upload to your job dashboard & listings upon submitting.


Group calls ability enabled through using a free api called “BuddyMeet” In the user dashboard click onto this menu and click meet the group. Then join the groups video call / chat room. If you don’t wanna join the groups room speak to an admin or moderator of the group to have them enabled a room you can join! All of this can be done if your the user who created the group or if you set a moderator of the group! 

Fixed dark mode footer

Last updated